What Glasses Suit My Skin Tone?

Tips And Tricks

Shopping for classes can be a bit stressful. There are so many shapes, styles, and colors to choose from there you're often spoiled for choice. When it comes to finding the perfect pair of glasses, the shape and style are focused on while color is often neglected in the selection process.

There are many different skin tones and complexions out there. Not everyone can wear the same color, something we know when it comes to clothes. So, why do we neglect this in our eyeglasses?

How do you determine your skin tone?

In order to choose the suitable eye glasses, you first need to determine your complexion. You need to figure out what shade of skin you have. There are three options — light, medium, and dark. Additionally, you need to determine if you have warm, cool, or neutral skin. You can do this with a simple trick — yellowish for warm, pinkish for cool, and greenish for neutral. To find this out, try on jewelry, as gold fits better on warm tones, silver for cool and if everything looks good, you're neutral.

What Glasses Suit My Skin Tone

Glasses for pale skin

If you're pale, but have a warm tone, then you can choose soft colors such as pink, light browns, or forest greens. However, if you've got a cold skin tone alongside a pale shade, then ivory, pale vintage colors, or those with a hint of blue are better. But, orange or yellow-greens need to be avoided.

Malcolm Square PinkLeopard Glasses

Buy: Malcolm Square PinkLeopard Glasses

Medium skin shade glasses

For those with a warm tone to their medium skin, then mahogany, bright colors, or those with an orange tint will work very well. Conversely, if you have a cool tone, then blue-greens, navy, or blue-reds such as cranberry or cherry are great.

Makie Cateye Yellow Glasses

Buy: Makie Cateye Yellow Glasses

Eyeglasses for dark complexions

Finally, if you have a dark, but warm complexion, then tortoise, bright reds, and oranges are the perfect glasses for you. Cool tones need black, dark blue or purple frames to give your face pop.

Cordaro Square Tortoise Glasses

Buy: Cordaro Square Tortoise Glasses


ZEELOOL is a leading online retailer specializing in affordable and fashionable eyewear. Established in 2017, with a diverse selection of glasses, including glasses for women, eyeglasses for men, reading glasses, and kid's glasses, it is not merely your perfect fashion accessory but also a medium for interpreting your life attitude and style, an expression of a unique perspective on the world. Committed to customer satisfaction and innovation, ZEELOOL continually updates its collections to reflect the latest trends and fashion statements.

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